December 31, 2022


In the Year of our Lord Bowie, crossed from this realm some 6 years now, we call this time 2022.

i’ve been snowed in for the last 3 days.

dear amer

70% done for the month (and it’s only day 1), 23% for the year, giving me a F grade, eh.

there won’t be a weekly update this week.



i should be in bed now.

part of my goals for this year was to write a 146 post.


well hello November, i am glad to see you.

well, we are here.

December 17, 2022


i’m still here.
i’m falling into a pit of not light and i don’t like it.
i think i am having anxiety over work and i really don’t like that. i don’t know what to do to make that better.
maybe i’m putting too much faith in the new year will bless me with something all new with everything.
maybe the pressure of improving my life is getting to me.
maybe i am living all in my head too much.

December 7, 2022

not an update

i am tempted to write a weekly update but, nah. none this week.
i did get part of the living room clean and ½ of my alter cleaned off. i really reorganized it and now have more room to burn things.
because i have the need to set things on fire, all the time.
hopefully get the other half cleaned off and build an altar to Karpo and get back on that train.

December 2, 2022

weekly update

well, we are here.
98% done for the year goals. will i hit 100%? i don’t know. i am working forward.
i want to get all my laundry done for tomorrow and i want to finish cleaning my bedroom. i keep debating if i want to add more mood lighting to it and, i’m so on the fence on it.
and, maybe clean the bathroom.
tonight feels like a night to crawl into bed and watch TV on my tablet.

November 30, 2022

day 30

i tried but i am not going to win this year’s National Journaling Month.
i am going to win for the year. i may not get a 100% on all my goals, but it will be in the high 90’s.
i have noticed that i do not take a gummy every night, i get more stressed/anxious/depressed. i didn’t really take them this weekend and man, that hit on Saturday night.
and the idea of scheduling “selfcare”/magic nights is starting to look good. i need to set a focus on what i want that to look like.
i think that need to wait till i clean off my alter space, which will be after the living room. that might happen within the next 30 days.
maybe things will be clean for New Year’s.

November 27, 2022

early morning ramblings

good morning.
it seems that my depression is getting the best of me. i’m not showering when i should and all i want to do is sleep.
i had a weekend off and none of that time was for me. even today, i have to go to The Store for reasons.
so, maybe next Wednesday then? a day off and stay home?
i am slowly working on my 2023 goals and getting that shit done. i wish i had the gumption to get up and clean more but, an inch is an inch.
it’s the fear of being better. what will happen to me if i am better. “if i show my family i am not a loser?” what will become of me then?
i need to eat breakfast.

November 24, 2022


new plans, i will sit and relax Saturday night. i don’t know how but i will.
i need to sit down and write out some harder plans for what i want to get done before 2023. there are ideas in my head but i want some plans on paper.
this week has been a week and i want, no. i want to be in a routine of sorts by 2023. i want things to happen on certain days and live that life.
and that will take planning and working.
i think i really need to work on getting my crafting table cleared off so i can make some stuff that will go with my plans.
and then i can clean out and reorganized my bedroom.
and then the living room needs a clean out.
and prep some ideas for Days of Bowie.
i need to get a notebook and do some work in it.

November 21, 2022

To get Better

I want to be Better.
To be Better, I need to put in The Work.
To put in The Work, I need to work.
And that is the stopping stone.
From the top, what will happen to me if/when I am Better?
Define Better: being better means a clean living space, working out, a daily practice of my religion, a sense that my time off is dedicated to creativity and not to catching up with life.
Clean living space- it means what it means. Everything is put away, trash gone, closet organized, bathroom sparkles, there is no need for overhaul, just upkeep. Clean to let Babies come down. Clean so Colt can visit.
Working Out- putting in the time to move my body to get healthier, to get stronger.
Daily practice- become more magickal. To connect to what is out there, establish ties to the other worlds, aspire to a higher life. I want to my Mystical!
Time off- I feel I don’t own my time. I feel that because I don’t do “The Work” because WORK is soul-sucking, eye bleeding, mind-destroying, I need “Rest,” and then I feel guilty about “Rest” as I see it as laziness, that fucking Puritan thought-form.
I don’t come from Puritan. I come from English Quakers and German Lutherans.
I need to reset my thought into action. Easier said than done.
This power has to come from within, in a long, slow, painful procedure.
To get Better.

November 20, 2022

Aces Wild


I haven’t done this spread in a while, and I need some directions.
I have Ace of Wands. Yes, I have all this new in me. I have made plans, but I just can’t get off my ass and do the things!
I want Reversed 6 of Swords. I want to stay in a rut? That’s that fear creeping into my mind. I want to move, but I just feel unable to.
I don’t think Reversed Sun. Too much good times in my life right now….
I feel Reversed Queen of Wands. YES! I don’t feel anything right now! I work retail, and with Black Friday and Christmas coming towards me like a black train of death, I have stress and anxiety! Good times!
Overall: Chariot. Fuck, I need to focus on what I want and then act on it…

November 19, 2022

weekly update

by the stats i am doing good. i don’t know if i will hit a 100% for the year but i am trying.

November 17, 2022

something profound?

let me see if i can put this in human words.
i forgot my books and tried to entertain myself during my lunch hour.
of course, i had Florence and the Machine blasting away. i have been on STRONG kick with her music of late.
now, by the end of the day i felt blar. it wasn’t a bad day, it wasn’t a good day, it wasn’t a mid day, it was just a day that made me feel blar all over.
and while that feeling was washing all over me, there was another feeling.
at some point, i posted this:
Why do I feel that just boiling under my skin is my greatest power? Like, between this backpack of notebooks and black pens, I’m going to find something profound?
i know that reading Kissing the Limitless by T. Thorn Coyle and listening to Florence and the Machine has been resetting my mind. i feel that if i keep this up, i’m going to open a portal and leave this realm.
and i don’t know what this great knowledge is, where it’s coming from, or what’s it’s going to be. i just had this wave wash over that, it’s coming. ready or not, it’s coming for me.

November 16, 2022

day 16

somehow i lost time and just now realized that next week is Thanksgiving.
oh joy.
i need to work on getting things better, in the basement. i made some progress and then stop. i need to get the next leg done and keep on plugging away.
the big kicker is, once i have a spot clean, is to keep it that way. i need to go back to reading that cleaning workbook.

November 15, 2022

day 15

it snowed.
i got a wind of inspiration for my vampire story.
i got too in my head when i first tried writing it. i wanted it to be “real” and fuck it. there is no need for it to be real. it’s a vampire fairy tale. i can Disney the edges of it.

November 12, 2022

hello darkness my old, old friend

hello darkness my old, old friend.
been off for 4 days and didn’t get anything done.
and i don’t know what to do about that.
i thought the herbal stuff i order would help and it did not give me the wham that it did the first time so, i haven’t used it since.
i hate to say that being off from work is not helping because work gives me structure.
along with that, i not not try NaNoWriMo. i had a set of prompts and idea and went with it.
and i just don’t have the passion for fiction, right now. i don’t want to go down the poetry path, because i’m not that depressed 20 something white girl anymore.
non-fiction? do i have it in me to write real words on tarot? that’s only 642 words per card to write a book on it. what do i have to say about the tarot that hasn’t been said already?

weekly update

weekly update
it’s going.
i need to make a tarot planner. i need to just make some calendar pages and sort out the moon readings i want to do.
and i might just thought out the want of zodiac because i can not find the info i want.

November 11, 2022

day 11

it’s been a nice few days off.
i am not finding what i want for moon signs. i don’t know what to do but make my up own thing for it and i don’t want to do that.
or i might. i don’t know.
i never plan on going down this path of worrying about moon signs with my card readings. with this idea of me making my own planner, and even crazier of maybe publishing it, i just want to be sure of it.

November 10, 2022

November 9, 2022

day 9

dropped the ball last night. posting something tonight.
Babies came over. best thing of the night? opossum hunting with Mutt Hubert.
we did find one, an angelic white one.

November 7, 2022

day 7

they started playing Christmas music at the store today.
i hate it here.

November 6, 2022

i have a question

i have a question.
next March will be 18 years since i did my self-dedication ritual and started studying/practicing witchcraft. i know there has been some dry years in that mix but it feels that the last 4 years, i have been getting my shit together.
and in the last month, i have started following a lot more witches on Tumblr. people who seem to know what they are doing and smart about it and then find out they have been practicing for a few years.
and i keep thinking i need to throw open the ask options and the voice n my head say no, you don’t know anything.
i am not not happy with my practice. i think i need to rethink on who i am and where i want to go.
i think i need to build a daily practice. i think i need to rethink the witch part and the religion part.
i think this is another goal of 2023.

November 5, 2022

day 5

woke up to the power being out. it was out for about 2 hours.
it set me back on wanting to do things and well, the day was thrown out.
i tried the drops Kelly gave me, hoping it would work its magick on me and it didn’t. will try tomorrow.
i think if the power had been out for a bit more, i would have done something. i know what i need to do tomorrow, because we are getting the beef Monday.
the air has been stuffy today and now i’m freaking cold. i need to take a shower, drink, watch AHS and study a new deck, any of them.

November 4, 2022

weekly update

if i’m stilling doing it, i’m 106% for the month, 97% for the year, giving me an A+.
other then that, i am working on my 2023 goals and getting that shit done.
and tonight’s NaNoWriMo ain’t happening. i just want to tune in and drop out tonight.

November 3, 2022

Tarot Questions

i’m cheating. this was an asked from my Tumblr.
Which deck do you think more people should know about?
Really, Rider–Waite–Smith. I keep seeing people talking down this deck, and I would like to know why? Is it because it’s so basic? Overused? To me, it’s the standard, the deck that got tarot to be as popular and inspired countless people.
Which deck is the most overrated?
Wild Unknown. I remember when it came out, and everyone was going on about it. The artwork is pretty, but I'll claw my eyes out if this was a deck I had to use.
Which deck has the best art?
My “first” tarot deck was the Halloween Tarot. I fell in love with it, and it made tarot make sense to me.
And for the longest time, that was my only deck, and I thought that would be my only deck.
And then I saw the Everyday Witch Tarot. And I brought it. And then I got the Oracle deck. And now have preordered the Owl Tarot Elisabeth Alba did the art for. And I am excited about the Witch's Familiar Oracle. And I keep telling myself I cannot go to Elisabeth Alba’s Redbubble page and spend an ungodly amount to buy 78 shower curtains and have the world’s most oversized tarot deck.
Which deck has the worst art?
Deviant Moon Tarot. I’ve seen this deck thrown around as something dark and creepy, and I think it’s ugly.

November 2, 2022

day 2

i took a gummy and then a small shot 7&7 and feel so good.
and, am i really cheating if i am already started my 2023 goals? since i believe that November starts the New Year for witch’s that believe in that, no. i am working/waling forward, to get all my shit down.
got to go back to work tomorrow. and i know it will be Christmas hell and i just don’t want to deal with that yet. i don’t want Black Friday and all that stupidity yet. i want to enjoy November just a little bit more. just the fallness of it all.
i do know i need to get all my shit together for work. i have started using new notebooks and i have plans so, there is that.
and there is the idea that what i do isn’t all going to get posted on the “Net”. doing card readings and writings that isn’t gear for the world, just for myself. it’s like i’m making my own secrets.
i need to give my NaNoWriMo a going. i’m not aiming for words as much as pages and telling a whole story in 30 days.

November 1, 2022

day 1, in so many ways

well hello November, i am glad to see you.
Halloween was wonderful. it was spent outside, with a fire, and The Witch and it was delightfully spooky. it fed my soul.
there was a bit of night magick and the use of my Halloween miracle.
in this, the year of myself 42, i, i feel that there has been a shift in me. i feel changed and i feel that i need to act on that.
there was a snap in my soul. that’s the only way i can describe it. i know it started on my birthday eve and more Oktober went on, the more i began to realized it.
i don’t want to be this current version of myself. i want to be better. i want to be better on all levels. i want to move past this person of wanting and be the person of has. i has it. i has the skills and powers to be better, so now i need to use them for that.
i don’t know anymore to explain then the view of being very selfish and focusing all on me and coming out the other side a bigger, badder, badass.
and not i need to take some time to do some creative writing because what am i but horrible at doing it all and failing one week in.

October 26, 2022


oh, rethinking goals i have made for myself.
i, oh this idea of mine.
i think i need to start writing, like hand writing journal. will these entries make it to the internet? i don’t know.
and i am really rethinking on how i want to do my tarot next year. i don’t want a planner, but i like the idea of a planner. i think i need to take what i learn about bullet journal and make my own planner. i think it will be in a 3-ring binder.
and i need to start a tarot notebook, another 3-ring binder.
no, i can not combine them, that would be too much but i am going to look odd at work with two of them open up in the breakroom.
i’ll just have my copy of The Satanic Bible laying out.
i think this year’s Halloween is going to be a big prep for me.

October 23, 2022

Halloween plans!

i am very much getting a solid plan for Halloween night.
i’m going to build a fire in my fire pit for some magick (being the end of the witch’s year and all that), and then watch The Witch while drinking a pumpkin beer, around said fire pit, and see what comes out of the woods.
and really, doesn’t that sound as spooky as a witch can be?
i just feel this shift in me and i want to keep this motion going, as best i can.
Thursday i am carving my pumpkin and watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, one of the oldest pagan rituals one can still perform.

October 20, 2022

(Over at the Frankenstein place)

it took a hot minute but i remember, Halloween is a witch’s New Year Eve, November has always been a time for reflection for me, and i am ready to take on a new path in 2023.
i want to be better. i deserve to be better. i need to be better.
i think i have a plan (i have goals) and i want to go forth with them.
i want to be better on all levels: mind, body, soul. i know that this is not going to happen overnight, this is not a one and done.
i want to start so many routines within myself. i want to work out more, i want to be more religious, i want to study more.
i know to get started will be, more or less, a series of half-assing things till i get to a point where things will click.
and i know that i will be a failing mess, at the start. as long as i am moving inches, i will win in the end.
what will i do with this new found power?
what won’t i do?

October 19, 2022

weekly update

i am still alive.
i just got my blog post about my birthday posted up and now i can see what all needs to be done.
i am making strives to be better. the shadow work is coming and i am moving into it. this shit won’t happen overnight but i got books, notebooks, and lots of cards to work my demons out and move to a better place.
and i feel that what i write i post but, maybe i need to write not to post. keep some stuff off the net. wild idea but, who knows.
as for my numbers and updates, i’m 118% for the month, 98% for the year, with a grade of A+.
i’ll hit my numbers for the year, i don’t know if i’ll get all my goals done.

the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Yeah, it's been a while, and I have been thinking about how I wanted to write about my birthday weekend.
Inspired by a Tumblr post I saw, I'm calling this style Shotgun Journaling.
Here we go!
  • I put in a request to get off an hour early on Tuesday. It wasn't auto-approved, and I asked Alynn about it. He said I did it too early, so a manager needs to approve it. I tell Pat when she walks in. She said she would take care of it.
  • I get to work and see that my hour off was approved, and I was taken off the schedule for Tuesday.
  • The look on Tina's face as I said that and her thought that I would take the day off and make her do RDFR.
  • I would not leave her like that.
  • I get off work to head off to get my haircut.
  • I call Matthew.
  • He dropped the bomb that the $600 I sent him to rent the car for my birthday went to cover bills, and the check he thought was coming towards him went to his dad's facility, and he canceled the rental.
  • I pull over in Bland to move money around to send him another $600 to get the car.
  • I was pissed he canceled without telling me.
  • I get my haircut, eyebrows done and get lost on the way home due to not getting my GPS to work.
  • It was a fucking day.
  • Everything is fine.
  • Pat didn't know what happen with my schedule.
  • I said I wasn't late because I came in on my day off.
  • Work was done, and I was on my merry way.
  • I get to Rolla and make my way to Taco Bell, fighting a fucking roundabout! They put a roundabout on 63! What the fuck?!?
  • Why was the traffic terrible on I-70? Could it be the crash that was up the road that led to a fire? Glad I'm going in the other direction!
  • Road construction led to me going in the wrong direction.
  • The car did not heat up, thank gods.
  • I-70 was one lane. There was a cement barrier put up.
  • The Mo-Dot guys were leaning over the barrier to do something on my side, as I was driving, sorta off the road and on the shoulder, with a fucking semi RIDING MY ASS!
  • I was stressed.
  • At some part Matthew calls me and tells me he can't rent a car.
  • His mother rented a car, listed him as the 2nd driver, didn't pay her bill, so he can't rent one.
  • I will have to.
  • I will drop-kick this woman into the next world, at some time.
  • Because I work at The Store, I got a hell of a discount.
  • And Matthew couldn't be listed as a driver.
  • I took that car on the interstate to get up to 70, and just, I WANT A NEW CAR!
  • Matthew drove the car for the weekend, all illegally, so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
  • I take a gummy.
  • Stopped at McD's, got snacks at Wal-Mart, and made it to the hotel.
  • I text Colt, and, long story short, I set off into the night to drive to his place.
  • I think this was my first booty call.
  • And trying to learn to drive a car at night is not a thing I recommend. I didn't know I didn't have my headlights on when I pulled out onto the road. :-/
  • I make it to his place, and he's an ass and won't tell me the number of his place.
  • His place was like Spock's quarters from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, mood lighting, wax warmer and/or oil diffuser, and him high as a kite.
  • I wasn't allowed on the bed.
  • We talked, he offered me gummies, and thanks to my D.A.R.E. training, I said no!
  • He wanted me to stay the night.
  • And then he said something about being the better boyfriend.
And can we stop for a moment to talk about this?
Once upon a time, I was a polyamorous asexual, in love with two queer cis men. We went on dates as a trio. Me and Colt went on dates as a couple. It was great. I was loved, and it helped me deal with some teenage trauma.
And then I came out as non-binary, and he walked away from me for over a year.
It's only been a year since we started talking. After a rough reintroduction last December (nach before Spider-Man: No Way Home), we fell back into old patterns hard, like the whole missing 15, 16 months was nothing.
And I know there are many texts about the idea of forgiveness on my phone that should be reread.
So, to the outside world, nothing happened, and we are happily in love.
But I can not let myself fall fully, and there is still the pause about trusting him 100%.
AssButt, we ain't boyfriend/girlfriend. You are my best friend, and I'll be a ride-or-die witch for you, but you broke me too much to love you like a boyfriend.
Can we get back to that place? Yes. Will we? It's up to you.
  • Where were we?
  • Pizza, cherry Dr. Pepper is not his jam (whatever loser), The Emperor's New Groove, and I went back to the hotel.
  • Matthew said I could have stayed the night.
  • Fuckers, get your shit together. I don't know the rules for booty calls, and a bitch of my age should have younger men flickering toward her.
  • It's my birthday!
  • Spirit Halloween, witchcraft store, AND Barns and Noble!
  • I got my Marvel oracle cards! They came out the day before and the witchcraft store had them! I am in love with them!
  • My dinner.
  • All I wanted was for me, Matthew, Nicole, and Cole to sit down at Chili's and for me not to pay. That's all I wanted for my birthday, and I got that.
  • Nicole got me a broom pen, a card that was a Where's Waldo puzzle (Colt played with it), and a pink Oogie Boogie keychain.
  • Colt tried to get me the Supernatural tarot deck, but I already had it. I didn't want anything from him but for him to be there. He had to leave early for work but-
  • I had dinner with the people that have seen me at my best and worst.
  • Nicole and I talked in the parking lot, and then it was back to the hotel with Matthew for the night.
And that were the big points of the weekend.
Matthew and I went to Nicole's house and met her dogs.
Can I say a word about my outfit that day? Jeans, black tank top, my sandals, hair up in two buns with my back bat dude rag over it.
Add my mens purse, and I felt like a butch lesbian. With Matthew in tow, I felt like I was giving out bi-wife energy.
I had to go to Wal-Mart to get a microwave because Mom said ours was dead.
I returned home on Friday, and all the cats came to see me.
Saturday was a day of trying to get back to "normal."

October 1, 2022

weekly update

106% for the month, 89% for the year, giving me an A grade!
birthday plans are up and running. i am 74 hours way from that starting.
i am going ahead and making plans for my 2023 goals. do not know what i want to call the next year, we will have to wait and see.
my plans for writing in November are happening up, quite well. i have various ideas and i don’t know how this all will feed into my plan.
things need to be done and i am off!

September 26, 2022

on ward

i started a list of what i want to get done in 2023. is it early? will I get some of them done before this year? time will tell.
i did get the 1st of the birthday gifts! i got the Labyrinth tarot deck and Earth, Air, Fire and Water by Scott Cunningham! so excited!

September 25, 2022

what the fuck is wrong with me?

what the fuck is wrong with me?
i really would like to know.
i am in an unending cycle: i hit a bottom, i make plans on getting better, i do the plans for a bit, stop, hit bottom, make plans on getting better, i do the plans for a bit, stop, hit bottom, etc. etc. etc.
why can’t i break out of it, once and for good? why can’t i be a fully functioning adult? for fuck’s sakes, i’m going to be 42 next week!
i have identify the problem. now i need to work on this shit. i need to drag myself out of this circle, into a new shape.
do i put the answer on a book i will buy and not read for year? another tarot deck? some flaky ideal posted on Tumblr? shadowwork?
is this a letdown of Autumn starting? is this me reacting to all the retrogrades (that i don’t believe in)? the new moon? my impending birthday?
i’m on a step but i don’t know which one.
i am going to have to claw my way out of this pit, once and for all.
i can do it. i can claw my way out.
there is no way for me to go but up.

weekly update

i end this month at 119% done, 90% for the year, with an A+ grade.
this weekend starts the last quarter of the year. i think i am going to start making a ToDoList for next year.
i still don’t know what theme i want for next year. this year’s theme of “A Witch’s Journey” did not go as i planned (and with 3 moths still left, who knows where i will end up).
i need to do a real blog.

September 19, 2022

require post

i make plans. i am doing the plans.
is this progress?
and is it too early to start working on goals for 2023?
i still need to sit down and plan out things for my birthday weekend. i need things done, i need to buy things, just lost to do before i can just sleep on the 4th.

September 17, 2022

weekly update

i’m 119% done for the month, 89% done for the year, giving me a A+ grade!
i might get all this done this year!
and i’m crazy to start plotting out next year.
i just felt another snap in me.
i really wanted a clean space for Oktober and i feel that may not happen.
what i am doing is cleaning more.
i am aiming for 20 mins of cleaning up on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday nights. i have hope this cut down on how much cleaning i need to do on my days off. i did get my kitchen area done so Wednesday plans is the living room. my 20 mins a night will focus on my crafting table.

September 15, 2022

plans are set

i know what i need to do. with what i wrote yesterday and some tarot prompts i’m working on, i see that plan i need to make and set and do.
i know this is gonna be a bitch but, i deserve nice things. i deserve my day off to be a day off and to work on my and not my living space.
i know this will be work. i know this is going against the nature that i have built for myself. i know that this is not my fault but i am fucking fixing it now.
maybe this isn’t a generational curse but this feels like a huge shift for me.

September 14, 2022

what do i want?

i now have a better goal in mind for the last half of this month.
i want it so when i come home from my birthday weekend, this place is clean and i can go full hog witch in it.
i need to get the work done. i can not just sit and not do anything. i rest too much and not work enough.
i’m tired of my making excuses and all this shit. i don’t’ keep up because i just slack off on my days off.
i don’t know if this is because i don’t get 2 days off in a row (a “weekend”) or me being “lazy”.
and it’s not just work. last night i wanted to sit down and have a beer and relax. i just sat on my laptop and rage quite video games.
how bad is it that i make plans for relaxation and can’t even follow on with that?
i need help.

September 10, 2022

weekly update

i’m 111% for the month, 83 for the year, giving me a A grade.
and here’s the kicker, there is a way i might get “everything” done by the end of the year.
and everything i mean that 30 is the number of goals i set and i will hit that number, maybe not getting everything done but still hitting that number
my birthday weekend is taking up most of my mind, as i am plotting and planning and praying it works out well.
i also have a wicked head cold right now.
and i started a new spiritual thing, for lack of a better words. i think it is going fine and i have high hopes for it.
need to clean up my living space.

September 7, 2022


had an awesome idea and posted it out there in the world:
Hear me out.
Take your typical crappy Hallmark Christmas romance movie, with a heavy bout of finding out the true meaning of love and Christmas. Got that movie in your head?
Make it about Halloween.
Same freaking plot just make it about Halloween. No “Is he the real Santa or not?” but a neighborhood witch lady. No cutting down a Christmas tree but looking for that perfect pumpkin.
And now, we make it queer. No one is cis/het. Everyone is some rainbow flavor person. Everyone is visible queer in this movie.
Gods, what a movie this would be.
i also saw a 7-foot skeleton at the store but it’s $100 while his 5-foot brother is $35 so, i don’t get that math at all.
will he be there on November 1st?

September 5, 2022

how am i suppose to love someone when i don’t even like myself?

i have a rough idea of a #ToDoList for this month. i should be doing is putting down a timetable for this shit.
this time, next month, i will be in Springfield, with my people, living my best life.
i am so ready for that.
i just got to plot out the money for the whole trip.
yeah, gonna take my shower before i get too depressed.

September 3, 2022

weekly update

well, i am 109 for the month (and only on day 2), 80% done for the year, giving me an A grade.
holy fucking shit.
well, where do i go from here?
my plans for this month are for me to get to autumn and do my witchy/tarot stuff along the way. vague, right?
i do have things cooking but i do not want to go public with them as of right now.
what i am doing is plotting hard on my birthday celebration. i don’t know how dinner will be but, it will be.

September 1, 2022

hitting goals

part of my goals for this year was to write a 146 post. if i want to hit that goal, i need to write 3 times a week till the end of the year.
and here we are.
my birthday is the next big-ticket item on my list and that’s where are my thoughts are going to. i am plotting and planning and gods, i want to do things but i don’t know how well the money will take of it.
i’m watching Sandman and between that and having read American Gods and Good Omens i reread Neil Gaiman’s wiki page. he was raised a mix of Jewish and Scientology and fuck, that makes pagan? like Sandman is ticking off boxes i didn’t know i needed ticked off.
on the flips side of that, i’m reading Small Gods by Terry Pratchett and man, i get it.
i need to go to bed.