November 17, 2022

something profound?

let me see if i can put this in human words.
i forgot my books and tried to entertain myself during my lunch hour.
of course, i had Florence and the Machine blasting away. i have been on STRONG kick with her music of late.
now, by the end of the day i felt blar. it wasn’t a bad day, it wasn’t a good day, it wasn’t a mid day, it was just a day that made me feel blar all over.
and while that feeling was washing all over me, there was another feeling.
at some point, i posted this:
Why do I feel that just boiling under my skin is my greatest power? Like, between this backpack of notebooks and black pens, I’m going to find something profound?
i know that reading Kissing the Limitless by T. Thorn Coyle and listening to Florence and the Machine has been resetting my mind. i feel that if i keep this up, i’m going to open a portal and leave this realm.
and i don’t know what this great knowledge is, where it’s coming from, or what’s it’s going to be. i just had this wave wash over that, it’s coming. ready or not, it’s coming for me.

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