January 2, 2024


This place is always such a mess
Sometimes I think I'd like to watch it burn
I'm so alone
Feel just like somebody else
Man, I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same
Spiritual awakings should not come from a Wallflower’s song from my teen years.
Hello. My name is Amerwitch, Amer for short, and this is year 2024. I spent the most of 2023 being a devote of the goddess Karpo and she blessed me with an awaking that I want to make true, this year.
Last year the theme was “King”, based on the Florance and the Machine song. A lot of my thoughts come from Florance and the Machine.
She put me under a spell…
And if we are picking Florance and the Machine’s songs for this year it is “Delilah”.
But what for a theme? What one word shall I use on my blog to show everything that happen in 2024? What word will be my reminder every time I write, reminding me of who I suppose to be, this year?
It is the word and theme for this year. I want to write a book on my witchcraft, on my path, the Feral Opossum Witch. I want to work on my oracle deck, the Vulture Arcanum.
This year is a focus on me and a focus on my path. I am not a Bride, I am not a Mother, I am King.
A Feral Opossum Witch King.

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