December 31, 2023


In the year of Our Lord-

a new month and a new set of goals.

oh, what a world we weave when we are high on the crack pipe

i’m 120% done for the month, 40% for the year, giving me a B- grade because new month and all.

i’m 119% done for the month, 50% for the year, giving me a B grade.

what the hell is going on with me?


where have i been?

i’m 91% done for the month, 68% done for the year, giving me a B- grade.

well, i’m still here.

i am 77% done for the month, 71% for the year, giving me a C grade.

i have a 5-day weekend coming up and i want to spend it well.

December 30, 2023

in the beginning there was nothing but the ever-present screaming of the void

it is amazing what happens when you get a working keyboard and mouse.
so, i kinda got my new work station up. i need some contact paper on my old desk to make it prettier and i will have a written journalling spot. that should be fun to work with in the new year.
the basement is a hot mess and i don’t know when it will be neater. i wanted to start the year off with it clean and that didn’t happen. i am finally getting out of my depression hole and but it is still a slow walk back.
2024 is just going to start off when ALL the cleaning going on. that’s just it. try to get everything up to date so i do not have this filth about me.

December 17, 2023


i have a 5-day weekend coming up and i want to spend it well.
i want to spend Wednesday on work shit.
i want to buckle down and get going.

November 29, 2023

Day 29

i feel like i am living in two different timelines at the same time.
it is still 2023, i am still working on those goals, ain’t i? what didn’t get done is being carried over into 2024 so, i am working on 2 different set of goals that are both the same.
i am also dealing with 2 very different themes with my life. 2023 was King, based on Florence and the Machine’s song of the same name.
i have listen to so much Florence and the Machine this year.
and i have a theme for next year but i also must do my yearlong reading, which i am changing on how that roll, to see if everything lines up.
i am still cleaning, still working on that goal of “My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology.”
and i have a new desk to put together and redo my work station.
shower and reading for me tonight.

November 26, 2023

Day 26

i wrote up about the cards of the week and next week, fuck this Friday, will be December already.
i am going to take my shower and get into bed to read American Gods.

November 25, 2023

Day 25

trying to get things wrapped up on one end to get it started on the other.
i got my Christmas discount paper and now i can begin my list. i think i want a keyboard to hook up to my laptop as this keyboard seem to be going out.
and a new wireless mouse.
a new cooler, stuff to start my oracle deck project, year supply of vitamins, all that fun stuff.

November 23, 2023

Day 23

i have been Doing The Work. i need to do it today and get some shit out of the deep freezer before going top side.
i am making headway with my 2024 goals. i have a good list and plan and good idea on what i want to be.
i feel late to the game that i am in my mid 40’s and just now getting this shit sorted out. better late than never.

November 22, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 22

Which deck is your most recent?
My newest deck is Witching Hour Oracle by Lorriane Anderson.
Prompts found here.

weekly update

moving inches is still moving.
i have been able to put in 20 mins a day this week on cleaning The Lair. my goal is to get it all set to start the new year.
i am 73% done with this year goals. i know that my 2024 list has goals that i set in 2022 but if i keep moving, i will get there.
so for December, i will be Doing The Work on getting everything cleaner for 2024.
then we hit the ToDoList hard.

November 21, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 21

Which deck was your first?
My first deck was the only deck I ever threw away. I didn’t know what I was doing and I was in Hastening’s and had money on me and brought Starter Tarot Deck.
Looking back, this was not the deck for me. I never learn to read the cards, just the words written on the card. It lack any direction on how to be a reader.
Prompts found here.

November 20, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 20

Which deck pushes you to improve your readings the most?
I have been reading tarot for over 20 years now. With each new tarot deck, I read the Little White Book.
Every deck teaches me something new about tarot.
Every new deck pushes me to be a better reader.
Prompts found here.

November 18, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 18

Which deck would you purchase again if your current copy got too worn out to use?
Halloween Deck for sure. I had it the longest and it is my main deck.
I would love to buy another copy of Flower Speak but it is out of print.
Prompts found here.

November 16, 2023

November 15, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 15

Which deck is the most overrated?
For me, The Wild Unknown deck.
I just remember a time when this deck came out and it seemed that every freaking person was using it and just going on about how this is the greatest deck of all times and why are you using other decks!?!
I don’t like the art of the deck. Standalone, yes, it is pretty. As a tarot deck? Hard no from me.
Prompts found here.

November 14, 2023

weely update

i have not made much headway since last week.
i have a good plan on what i want to do for 2024.
i have made a great plan on how to get better now. EVERYTHING needs to be cleaned so i get overwhelmed. i made a list of what i want to get down.
part of 2024 plans are once a month to clean everything. i have it broken down to “rooms” so it is not so overwhelming.
hopefully tomorrow i can get something started.

Tarot Prompts, Day 14

Which deck do you think more people should know about?
It’s not a deck but an idea.
It’s the idea of a cute deck or a fandom deck cannot be as good as a “real” deck.
My main deck is the Halloween Tarot and it is cute. And I have seen people say it’s a cute deck, a deck for Halloween, but not for a main deck! It doesn’t have the teeth as a Real Deck has.
I call bullshit on all of it.
Any tarot deck can be the meanest fucker in your collection, regardless of the art or reason behind it. I believe in the cuter the deck, the mean it is, and can not wait to start working with The Cozy Witch Tarot.
Prompts found here.

November 13, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 13

Which deck is the most complex?
The deck isn’t so much complex as it is a bit to work with.
Modern Witch looked it was going to be a good time. I like the artwork; the book was nice and then came the time to start working with the deck.
First spread is the interview spread and the cards said no. I threw them again and the cards were better.
The deck works with me but it can be a bit cryptic.
Prompts found here.

November 12, 2023

Tarot Promts, Day 12

Which deck is the most beginner friendly?
Rider/Waite/Smith deck. Most decks are based on this one. I love mine, gives me very plain answers without much flair.

Prompts found here.

November 11, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 11

Which deck made you work the hardest for it’s approval?
I really don’t understand this question.
I work with my decks. I ask, they answer. Sometimes it’s a clear answer, sometimes there’s a lot of sand to shift to find the truth.
I don’t seek approval from decks. We are in this together.
Prompts found here.

November 10, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 10

Which deck is the most gentle?
Right now I think I would have to say it’s Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle.
Prompts found here.

November 9, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 9

Which deck drags you the hardest?
FLOWER SPEAK! Oh, my gods this deck!
This deck will gently take your face into it’s hands, smile, and then softly whisper “You fucking dumb cunt.” and then read you for filth.
I love this deck so much.
Prompts found here.

November 8, 2023

weekly update

i’m 79% done for the month, 73% for the year, giving me a strong C grade.
i need to find the power to get up and do shit. i wasted today and will probably waste all my days.
it’s after dark. i do not own my feelings about myself until daylight.

Tarot Prompts, Day 8

Which deck has the best energy?
All my decks are the best deck.  Each one has a strong point.
Prompts found here.

November 7, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 7

Which deck has the worst energy?
See, all my decks have a way with them. My RWS reads very plain. Empty Cups acts like an adverb/adjective to the cards it’s with. Flower Specks will just take you into her arms and look at you with all the love in the world and whisper sweetly into your ear, “You dumb cunt.”
I don’t think any of my decks are the worst. They all carry different weight with them.
Prompts found here.

November 6, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 6

Which deck do you regret purchasing?
None of them. I love all my decks. I have learned from all of them.
 Prompts found here.

November 5, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 5

Which deck is your favorite aesthetically?
All my decks. All my decks are pretty, that’s why I got them!
Prompts found here.

November 4, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 4

Which deck do you want to get to know better?
I want to know Tarot better. For me, it comes and goes, but I want to be able to throw cards and read them with clarity.
Prompts found here.

weekly update

i am 77% done for the month, 71% for the year, giving me a C grade.
Halloween was wonderful and i need to write about it. i need to write a lot of things.
i need to get up and get going.

November 3, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 3

Which deck do you just not vibe with?
The only deck I have put down would be Wisdom of the Oracle Divination. I don’t think I gave it a fair time and plan on picking it up again.
Prompts found here.

November 2, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 2

Which deck do you wish you used more often?
I have a problem?
When I see someone else using a deck that I own and love, it feels like that deck has a more “magical” power then the current deck I am using.
And when I use that deck, I feel that it is not as magical when I use it.

Prompts found here.

November 1, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 1

Which deck do you use the most?
I try very hard to rotate my decks. I don’t want to get all hung up on one.
My go to is my Halloween for Tarot and Flower-Speak for Oracle.
Prompts found here.

October 19, 2023

weekly update

so i am 84% done for the month, 70% done for the year, giving me a C- grade.
and tonight, i did 20 mins of cleaning and my gods, so much got done and i feel better.
and that’s what i need to focus on, for the time being. if i can get 20 mins a day, 5 times a week, that’s that’s almost 2 hours a week of cleaning getting done. and if i go hard for 7 days, over 2 hours a week of cleaning.
i have started my 2024 list of goals and cleaning each “room” once a month is on that list. i have hopes that a cleaning once a month will keep things up.

October 14, 2023


i never wrote about my trips to Springfield this year.
and there is just one thing i really want written down.
in May, on the last night there, my and Colt left the bar and just drove around. i think the windows were down and he just speeded around in the dark on the back streets. i just put my head back and close my eyes.
i didn’t fall asleep but i was only many things that night and it was such peace. i don’t know what it was but it was peace.
last weekend, that fucker tried to kiss me and ended up with a mouth full of the side of my hair (because i can’t deal with that much love from another man).
and here i am, an AFAM non-binary who got lucky at the gay bar (on showtune night) with a gay man.
yeah, i can not handle that much love. sorry Colt.
and what sucks about last weekend was, even with me drinking and doing all the drugs in my purse, i was still the mother hen and watching over Colt trying to cross the road to put on a different pair of shoes.
Colt, i am pissed about the pic you posted on Twitter and i promise not to leave you gifts in your bed.
i can not wait for May.

October 13, 2023

Friday the 13th

well, i’m still here.
i don’t know what happened to me. i started off strong and then it all went to pot.
in the process of all of that, i am having a bit of a spiritual awakening going on. i am rethinking things and making plans.
i am also in very dire need to clean my lair. it looks as bad as my depression is right now.
i have a plan. i know i say this and fall flat but i really need to do something to change in my life and i need to set my self on fire.
i need to look over my notes from my Autumn Equinox night and go from there.
i am saving up to get another deck (I CAN STOP ANY TIME!) to do what my goddess has asked me.
i have started my 2024 list and have ideas.
i’m off to do a Friday the 13th card reading for myself and keep that Spiritual Awakening going on.

September 6, 2023

weekly update

still 91% for the month, got to 69% for the done for the year, still a B-.
inventory is Friday and i am dead. i sign up for 6 days in a row/44-hour work week and it’s hurting.
Friday night i am getting high and watching all I am Groot.
i am trying to get into my Star Trek tarot deck. the book goes hard on the tarot history but i kinda skipped that and trying to get into the crux of it.
i’m wrapping this up do i can go to bed early tonight.

September 2, 2023

weekly update

i’m 91% done for the month, 68% done for the year, giving me a B- grade.
i feel like i have much to do and i want to do it. it’s September and fall is in 3 weeks and i am working with my Mabon deck and i feel like stuff is slowly going my way.
i need to work more. i need to make myself better. i feel that i am at the place and i just need to push myself to do what i should be doing. i feel like if i can, the blessings will come.
i feel that it will be the season of the witch and i can shed this mortal skin and become one with autumn.

August 27, 2023

40 degree dropped

it fucking cooled off.
last week the heat index was 117. today it was 78. only a 40 degree dropped but my gods, i felt that i could breathe when i was outside today.
work is just getting bad because inventory is in 11 days. trying to move summer out to get winter in and my gods! nothing is going according to plan and fuck this shit. why have all the years of knowledge if nothing to going to be the same? fuck, the clothes that came in today say they are from the 1st quarter of 2025! did i time jump or something?
i am almost done with studying my Mabon deck. i wasn’t too thrilled with my first glance of it but now, i think this is going to be a good deck to work with.
i hope She likes it.
i was stuck with an idea for a story. i’m taking in Good Omens, Supernatural, and my own thoughts with being raised Catholic and trying my own angel and demon story.
so, there’s that going on for me.

August 23, 2023

weekly update

small steps equal some progress.
i’m 99% done for the month, 66% done for the year giving me a B- grade.
i’m still needing some get up and go with my life. i am moving inches but i want to move more.
but i am moving more. i am trying dancing as a moving mediation. i’m blasting Florance and the Machine and feel like i’m praying.
so i do have some things going better then i thought. that’s why i write, to keep track of shit.
time to get up and move.

August 17, 2023

how we doing?

how we doing?
i am ok. i don’t know if last week was PMS or what but i feel like things are going forward. i am moving inches and it feels great.
and there is a strong call of meditate yelling at me. i am going to try some moving mediation by cranking the music and just dancing. i think it’s a step and maybe i’ll get some thoughts going.
i do need to work on the list i made and did not do on Wednesday. i will chalk that up to period pain and move forward on Saturday.
i want things to be better by Fall and, that may not happen but i know i can get it better. i have plans and idea and i see the bigger picture.
it’s a matter of working on a small corner to get to the bigger picture.

August 16, 2023

weekly update

really have not moved since last update.
i am trying. i am, well i didn’t move today but over all i feel like i am moving at least an inch.
like, lighting pumpkin candle and watching Americana Horror Story Coven isn’t witchcraft but it is something.
and i am making some plans and working towards something and man that is suck bullshit pouring out an onto this keyboard.
i’m going to try to fix my website.

August 12, 2023

never going to happen

i wrote in my notebook and no, i don’t want to put it here.
i am failing. i am failing at doing anything right now. i am not moving forward, i am in such a huge stalling place that it is making me sink.
“I am going to do something today!” nope, it don’t happen. that’s ok. i’ll get to it
never. it’s never going to happen. nothing is making me better, i am just sinking deeper and deeper.
and here’s a kicker:
it was once feeding the cats at night and once in the morning this week, i felt it. i felt that nip in the air that is fall. my Lady Autumn has sent her harbingers of praying mantis are popping up and i know, She is coming.
and i can not will myself to prepare my empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology. i can do that tomorrow.
there is no tomorrow but a long row of days of fucking nothing.

August 2, 2023

untitled update

where have i been?
i don’t know.
i think things went off the rails back in May and i have not mentally bounce back from it.
fuck, the memory of the Springfield trip that involved me seeing the 1st Guardians of the Galaxy and how it fucked with me just came back.
i need Jesus.
or Karpo. i have even fallen off that path of being a devotee to a deity.
no matter how much planning and list and notebooks and books i get/do, the fact i do not do anything to move forward is the main problem.
i need to made some moves and go an inch. even an inch a day will get me 30 inches forward by the end of the month. it’s a not a yard but i will be getting somewhere.
part is also the “do a bit on all my projects and just quarter ass the whole list” is not working for me.
i need focus.

July 26, 2023

Come on Robert, let's go party!

I want to talk about the movie I saw this weekend and the thoughts that filled my head.
The movie I saw was, of course, Oppenheimer.
My first thought was I need to be studying so much more.
With all the back-to-school stuff out and the movie starting in the academic world this time of year, I need to study more. I need to be learning more. I need to be reading and making notes, and moving forward.
My second thought was I need to fuck around and find out.
My witchcraft is more reactive than proactive. I do the things when I need to. I look up and make my own spells when I need to. I am not one to make the spellwork before the problem arises. I need to start making my own magic, for whatever reason, just to have on hand.
My third thought is, why can't we do this again?
The government got the best of the best and threw them into solving a problem. Today's government seems to know too much about worrying about who's fucking who, what kids are reading, and what AFABs are doing with their parts. Maybe if we stopped all that and worked on one science project, we could be living on the moon now or cured cancer.

July 8, 2023

good day

did i get everything i wanted to do done today? no.
do i still have time for some of it? yes.
i have gotten a plan on “cleaning out the closest” that is a bit Marie Kondo. i want to go through ALL my clothes and have a spot to put everything and take an inventory on what i have.
and get rid of what doesn’t serve me.
i want it all done by the end of the month. i think that is all within my control and possible.
it will be great to go into winter with everything all organized.

July 7, 2023

weekly update

i’m 102% done for the month, 60% done for the year, giving me a B- grade.
my weight went up in a not good way. i need to start a workout routine and stick with it.
i did try something fun last night. i wrote for 30 mins and worked on card reading for 30 mins. i got shit done and it was great.
big thing i want to do this month is get my closet cleaned out and study the Mabon deck i got.

July 5, 2023

July 5th

my card of the month is the Magician, a card of action and doing. that is the plan i have for this month, getting up and doing shit.
i thought my weekend in Springfield would bring me an uplift and get go.
it took two months out of my life.
it was on Midsummer that i felt a tug and things hit me, fall is coming and i am a devotee to the Greek goddess of autumn, Karpo, i need to get my shit together and get things down.
my birthday is also in 3 months…
i am hit back to a lyric of the song that inspired the theme of this year, fuck it this is the GOAL of this year: “My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology.”
and i am slowly working towards that, day by day. even rereading American Gods is getting me somewhere, on some small level.
i will be moving fucking forward this month. i will be getting shit done.
i fucking have too if i am going to be the witch i want to be for this fall.

June 24, 2023

it is within my grasp

i am still alive.
i plan on getting back to writing in July.
i had an epiphany (?) today, maybe. this past week i have been cleaning every night for 20 mins (got the whole fucking living room done, even vacuum and i’m so mad it took me 6 months to do it). so today, i didn’t really need to clean but still felt guilty for cleaning and kinda didn’t enjoy my day off.
but that is what i am going for, so much! i want to have a day off and not have to fucking clean or do anything but fun stuff.
it is within my grasp.

June 12, 2023


Mom got the internet fixed and is getting the fucking tree cut down.
i got down last week and today it was just a change of my mind.
the cards told me to get out of this fucking funk and here i am.
this post is a hell of a mess but we are going to keep on going!
and with the knowledge of having a steady stream of internet, i am going to start on a schedule of getting shit down. in fits of 20 mins, doing things each night to get to my end goal.
i’ve fallen off the wagon of getting shit down and i need to get back on it. that is not going to fix everything but it will get me back on that track.

June 10, 2023

i feel that i have nothing to add to the world and my voice doesn’t matter

i should tweet more, i should make an Instagram account to post pics, i should get back on TikTok and make some vids, i should post more on Tumblr, i should be writing more, i should be crocheting more, i should be working out more…
i should i should i should.
and in the all of it, i feel that i have nothing to add to the world and my voice doesn’t matter.
too many options and no where to go.

June 3, 2023

weekly update

what the hell is going on with me?
i went backwards with my goals theses pass two weeks. that is just not good.
i thought May would be my month and it just was not.
and i’m 3 days in June and i do not see a upside.
i really don’t have any days off coming up as i got a date with Matthew and family plans burned Saturday.
i’m going to bed.

May 20, 2023

ok, how did we do today?

ok, how did we do today?
i got 5 things done, which is more then i do on a Saturday.
i plan on doing one more and i plan on doing some fucking writing. i got an itch to work on some projects.
hell, i had an itch to write this all down.
off to the salt mines to write.

May 19, 2023

weekly update

well, it’s been a week.
i’m 129% done for the month, 54% done for the year, giving me a A- grade.
today i got above 300 lbs again and i am not happy about that.
i need to get back to working out. i am trying to keep up with watching what i eat but my workouts are a big fail.
i also need to crack down and get shit done. i make list and plans and it all goes away and down the drain with a game of Age of Mythology.
my cards call me out about this week and i kinda ignore them. today’s reading:
Cards of the Day: Chariot, Tower, Dr. Strange, Valkyrie, Witches Hanging Rope, and Fire Element.

I had 2 Tarot cards fall out and just picked 2 cards from the other decks.

6 cards to tell me what?

This past week has not been the best for me and my cards are calling me out on that. I am a bad ass who has control over the things that are pulling me into a darken blar. I need to use my power and get myself better.

and i pray i can get there.

May 18, 2023

shit week

well, this week has been a shit.
plans have fell to the wayside as a dark cloud merked over me.
i need to write about my Marvel weekend. i need to clean out the trashcans in the basement. i need to clean my fucking living room. i need to shave my legs. i need to clean a spot out for the washer and dryer.
and i just keep playing Age of Mythology.
time to post this and get to bed, on time, for once this week.

May 17, 2023

blar of an update

i order Colt’s birthday gift. i hope he likes it, as i don’t know if he reads this or not.
hi Colt.
i also order new water bottles and Seasons of the Witch - Mabon Oracle. we will see how that goes. it comes out on June 12th but i’m not getting it till July 3rd? why?
this past week has been blar and come to a head last night. the plan was pot and watching the Muppets, to celebrate the life of Jim Henson.
and i couldn’t. the idea of popping a gummy and getting high seemed too much to do.
Colt, if you are still reading, you are the one and only i do bare my soul to and tells things to. you are my confidant.
i lost my train of thought with all of this…

May 12, 2023

weekly update

i’m 123% done for the month, 51% for the year, giving me a B grade.
i need to get back into the swing of living this real life of mine.
and plotting out making my own oracle deck.
i need to re-look over my goals for this month and start working on them.
i’m over halfway done with my goals and still fell like i’ve done nothing this year.
time to buck up and do the work.

May 10, 2023

oh look, a sign, and it's not in the cards, yet...

the random idea of making my own oracle deck has been floating around in my head.
the fact i’m reading a book on how to so it may be a tipping point.
the fact that i posted something on Tumblr about it and then a vulture flew, very low and near me, oh look a sign!
still need to do some soul searching on this.
and to plot out on how to make it.

May 3, 2023

weekly update

i’m 119% done for the month, 50% for the year, giving me a B grade.
i really haven’t done much.
i am mostly waiting for the end of my Marvel Weekend and coming back ready to put in the new work.
i will get back to the working out, keeping track what i eat, and the start of mediation.
keep on reading Crafting a Daily Practice and start that work. back it up with Kissing the Limitless. maybe get another book into the mix to try to become a better person.
i got to get up and get my hair cut, pack, and do some witchcraft for this trip.

April 30, 2023

Happy Southern Hemisphere Halloween!

i tried to write but gave up and went out to feed the cats. it hit me out there that.
i see Halloween as a witch’s New Year Eve and November the start of the new witch year. on the flip side of the planet, that’s what happening there. they are getting ready for Samhain and the start of their new year.
and i am feeling it here.
it makes sense. i am trying to be a devotee of Karpo, the Greek goddess of autumn. if her power is in the fall, then March is the start of her power in the southern hemisphere. She came into her powers wouldn’t i be able to feel that?
and with that thought train, May is the start of a new year for witches.
but i can’t start until i am back from my journey to the Field.
May 9th is a start for me.

April 28, 2023

weekly update

i’m 118% done for the month, 49% for the year, giving me a B grade.
(i have switched over to May goals, as there are only a few days of April left.)
i got my copy of LiL Cryptid Oracle today! and my new phone case! so excited for both!
and i am off this whole weekend! i need to pack for next weekend and plotting everything for everything and all of that.
but for tonight, we get high and be pagan.

April 27, 2023

words to paper, that what this is

tomorrow i should get my new phone case and my new oracle deck. i’ll get high and a good time will be had by all.
i need to pack on Saturday for my Marvel weekend. i need to carefully plot out my outfits, Matthew’s clothes, and all my worldly things i will need on this trip.
need to change my sheets, change my tablecloth, and changed my shoes.
May 1st is just bringing a lot of changes.
Michael made mention of selling his car to me. i would love to see this happen and it would be a hell of a financial undertaking for me. i know i can swing it, i will have to make it swing.
i feel the need to write but nothing comes out of it.
i feel the need to grow my witchcraft and that is slow.
i keep thinking the other oracle deck will bring me something closer to my deity but we have been making good with the Halloween Oracle. time will tell.

April 21, 2023

weekly update

i’m 148% done for the month, 49% for the year, giving me an A grade.
the big win is that i got a new phone. i unplugged it this morning at 3 AM and here, 13 hours later i am at 42%.
i just need to get a case for it, which is to come in 2 weeks, dear gods let me keep my phone safe.
i am writing, i am praying, i feel that i am getting better. i feel that i am becoming the person i should have been, 3 years ago?
whatever it is, i am moving forward. i am planting things i hope to harvest well this fall.

April 20, 2023

This Spiritual Awaking has been a trip

Card of the Months was Judgment, spiritual awaking. I thought it was going to be fun and games. 

 I thought.

It hit me last night. Dad died in ’18, took ’19 off and on January 1st, 2020, this is it! This is the year we move forward!

It was not.

I’m days away of going back to The Field, seeing Nicole and Colt, doing a Marvel movie weekend. I know I did one last year but this one feels so much different.

Everything seems like it was, before the plague started. This all feels, normal.

I am going to come back different, and I am praying that it will be for the better.

April 17, 2023

A Change

Something is clicking in a different direction.

I’m culling. The past month I looked over who I support on Patreon and made changes. People I have followed for years on social media, I stopped following them.

I am making good progress on my year goals. I am carving out time to start meditating and go back to working out (after Springfield).

I know I still have room for improvement with the new setup. I know it’s not fool proof and will go off without a few hits but fuck, let me stumble on the road of improvement.

April 15, 2023

pulling teeth

i was able to clean up my witch’s cabinet today. i needed to make something and just cleaned the whole spot to do it.
and then i made the thing.
i really need to get to fixing Grandma Bertha’s radio so i have a chest to put all my tarot boxes in.
i keep getting bits of an idea of a story. not bits, just random scenes and ideas. this all plays off “The Adventures of the DarkShark and his Witch” and i’m willing to go down that road and piece them all together into one long story.
i am trying to push myself with my writing and it is like pulling teeth.
i’m going to bed.

weekly update

i’m 143% done for the month, 48% for the year, giving me a A grade.
the way i am plotting out things, i think i am going to try to get back to meditation, again. one of my goals is to read Inner Temple and that would be a great way to get going on that.
i’m down 13 pounds. if i start the arm workout, i might see improvements by October. that gives me incentive to get going and look hotter for my birthday.
i am looking forward to Springfield, so fucking hard this year. i want to start packing, now.
oOo, there is witchcraft i need to do to be ready for Springfield!

April 13, 2023


i tried to write yesterday and it didn’t happen.
i was going to do a set of tarot prompts and i realized that, no, not gong to work this month.
i feel the need to write, something, and nothing is pulling at my heart to put words on paper.
if i could pick a genre that would help.
i am going to try to write about my own Wheel of the Year and see how that plays out.
and i am having a hard time just trying to fill this page with words.
time to write something real.

April 9, 2023

fuck it

i open this up and i am just staring at it.
fuck it. i’m going to bed and try to read some Kissing the Limitless.

April 8, 2023

weekly update

i’m 135% done for the month, 45% for the year, giving me a A- grade.
i want to work on cleaning today so, i’m off to get my living room under control.

April 1, 2023

to write or not and let it rot inside my head

i think i need to write. put pen to paper in a notebook and not let the world see it.
or get back into fiction.
or write those non-fiction witchcraft ideas i have.
or really live out of my head and write some real shit in my journal.
i don’t know.
i need to do some cards tonight.

weekly update

i’m 120% done for the month, 40% for the year, giving me a B- grade because new month and all.
new month and new set of timelines to work towards.
i also plotted out the Spring Quarter, broken down by the month.
so, less sitting, more getting shit done.

March 27, 2023


i plotted out my Spring Quarter’s plans. put out goals for April, May, and June.
and then at the end of June, we will try for the Summer Quarter.
i need to get 2023 goals moving forward, faster than what i am doing now.
and my other oracle deck will be in the mail soon! can not wait to crack into that deck when it shows up.
i’ll add it to the pile that i need to attack.
i am ahead with reading. it’s now all bonus points.
i get a tax refund today. hope to cash that tomorrow and store that away for later.