November 29, 2023

Day 29

i feel like i am living in two different timelines at the same time.
it is still 2023, i am still working on those goals, ain’t i? what didn’t get done is being carried over into 2024 so, i am working on 2 different set of goals that are both the same.
i am also dealing with 2 very different themes with my life. 2023 was King, based on Florence and the Machine’s song of the same name.
i have listen to so much Florence and the Machine this year.
and i have a theme for next year but i also must do my yearlong reading, which i am changing on how that roll, to see if everything lines up.
i am still cleaning, still working on that goal of “My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology.”
and i have a new desk to put together and redo my work station.
shower and reading for me tonight.

November 26, 2023

Day 26

i wrote up about the cards of the week and next week, fuck this Friday, will be December already.
i am going to take my shower and get into bed to read American Gods.

November 25, 2023

Day 25

trying to get things wrapped up on one end to get it started on the other.
i got my Christmas discount paper and now i can begin my list. i think i want a keyboard to hook up to my laptop as this keyboard seem to be going out.
and a new wireless mouse.
a new cooler, stuff to start my oracle deck project, year supply of vitamins, all that fun stuff.

November 23, 2023

Day 23

i have been Doing The Work. i need to do it today and get some shit out of the deep freezer before going top side.
i am making headway with my 2024 goals. i have a good list and plan and good idea on what i want to be.
i feel late to the game that i am in my mid 40’s and just now getting this shit sorted out. better late than never.

November 22, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 22

Which deck is your most recent?
My newest deck is Witching Hour Oracle by Lorriane Anderson.
Prompts found here.

weekly update

moving inches is still moving.
i have been able to put in 20 mins a day this week on cleaning The Lair. my goal is to get it all set to start the new year.
i am 73% done with this year goals. i know that my 2024 list has goals that i set in 2022 but if i keep moving, i will get there.
so for December, i will be Doing The Work on getting everything cleaner for 2024.
then we hit the ToDoList hard.

November 21, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 21

Which deck was your first?
My first deck was the only deck I ever threw away. I didn’t know what I was doing and I was in Hastening’s and had money on me and brought Starter Tarot Deck.
Looking back, this was not the deck for me. I never learn to read the cards, just the words written on the card. It lack any direction on how to be a reader.
Prompts found here.

November 20, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 20

Which deck pushes you to improve your readings the most?
I have been reading tarot for over 20 years now. With each new tarot deck, I read the Little White Book.
Every deck teaches me something new about tarot.
Every new deck pushes me to be a better reader.
Prompts found here.

November 18, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 18

Which deck would you purchase again if your current copy got too worn out to use?
Halloween Deck for sure. I had it the longest and it is my main deck.
I would love to buy another copy of Flower Speak but it is out of print.
Prompts found here.

November 16, 2023

November 15, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 15

Which deck is the most overrated?
For me, The Wild Unknown deck.
I just remember a time when this deck came out and it seemed that every freaking person was using it and just going on about how this is the greatest deck of all times and why are you using other decks!?!
I don’t like the art of the deck. Standalone, yes, it is pretty. As a tarot deck? Hard no from me.
Prompts found here.

November 14, 2023

weely update

i have not made much headway since last week.
i have a good plan on what i want to do for 2024.
i have made a great plan on how to get better now. EVERYTHING needs to be cleaned so i get overwhelmed. i made a list of what i want to get down.
part of 2024 plans are once a month to clean everything. i have it broken down to “rooms” so it is not so overwhelming.
hopefully tomorrow i can get something started.

Tarot Prompts, Day 14

Which deck do you think more people should know about?
It’s not a deck but an idea.
It’s the idea of a cute deck or a fandom deck cannot be as good as a “real” deck.
My main deck is the Halloween Tarot and it is cute. And I have seen people say it’s a cute deck, a deck for Halloween, but not for a main deck! It doesn’t have the teeth as a Real Deck has.
I call bullshit on all of it.
Any tarot deck can be the meanest fucker in your collection, regardless of the art or reason behind it. I believe in the cuter the deck, the mean it is, and can not wait to start working with The Cozy Witch Tarot.
Prompts found here.

November 13, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 13

Which deck is the most complex?
The deck isn’t so much complex as it is a bit to work with.
Modern Witch looked it was going to be a good time. I like the artwork; the book was nice and then came the time to start working with the deck.
First spread is the interview spread and the cards said no. I threw them again and the cards were better.
The deck works with me but it can be a bit cryptic.
Prompts found here.

November 12, 2023

Tarot Promts, Day 12

Which deck is the most beginner friendly?
Rider/Waite/Smith deck. Most decks are based on this one. I love mine, gives me very plain answers without much flair.

Prompts found here.

November 11, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 11

Which deck made you work the hardest for it’s approval?
I really don’t understand this question.
I work with my decks. I ask, they answer. Sometimes it’s a clear answer, sometimes there’s a lot of sand to shift to find the truth.
I don’t seek approval from decks. We are in this together.
Prompts found here.

November 10, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 10

Which deck is the most gentle?
Right now I think I would have to say it’s Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle.
Prompts found here.

November 9, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 9

Which deck drags you the hardest?
FLOWER SPEAK! Oh, my gods this deck!
This deck will gently take your face into it’s hands, smile, and then softly whisper “You fucking dumb cunt.” and then read you for filth.
I love this deck so much.
Prompts found here.

November 8, 2023

weekly update

i’m 79% done for the month, 73% for the year, giving me a strong C grade.
i need to find the power to get up and do shit. i wasted today and will probably waste all my days.
it’s after dark. i do not own my feelings about myself until daylight.

Tarot Prompts, Day 8

Which deck has the best energy?
All my decks are the best deck.  Each one has a strong point.
Prompts found here.

November 7, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 7

Which deck has the worst energy?
See, all my decks have a way with them. My RWS reads very plain. Empty Cups acts like an adverb/adjective to the cards it’s with. Flower Specks will just take you into her arms and look at you with all the love in the world and whisper sweetly into your ear, “You dumb cunt.”
I don’t think any of my decks are the worst. They all carry different weight with them.
Prompts found here.

November 6, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 6

Which deck do you regret purchasing?
None of them. I love all my decks. I have learned from all of them.
 Prompts found here.

November 5, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 5

Which deck is your favorite aesthetically?
All my decks. All my decks are pretty, that’s why I got them!
Prompts found here.

November 4, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 4

Which deck do you want to get to know better?
I want to know Tarot better. For me, it comes and goes, but I want to be able to throw cards and read them with clarity.
Prompts found here.

weekly update

i am 77% done for the month, 71% for the year, giving me a C grade.
Halloween was wonderful and i need to write about it. i need to write a lot of things.
i need to get up and get going.

November 3, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 3

Which deck do you just not vibe with?
The only deck I have put down would be Wisdom of the Oracle Divination. I don’t think I gave it a fair time and plan on picking it up again.
Prompts found here.

November 2, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 2

Which deck do you wish you used more often?
I have a problem?
When I see someone else using a deck that I own and love, it feels like that deck has a more “magical” power then the current deck I am using.
And when I use that deck, I feel that it is not as magical when I use it.

Prompts found here.

November 1, 2023

Tarot Prompts, Day 1

Which deck do you use the most?
I try very hard to rotate my decks. I don’t want to get all hung up on one.
My go to is my Halloween for Tarot and Flower-Speak for Oracle.
Prompts found here.