May 13, 2021


let’s do it, 3 blogs post in 3 days!
i want to talk about crocheting.
with all the cleaning that i am doing, i am unearthing crochet projects i had abandoned.
i got 4 Works In Progress (WIPS): a bag for an oracle deck, an altar cloth, an afghan, and a poncho. and then i have 2 more ideas: a bag for my new tarot deck and a tablecloth for my coffee table.
i know if i sit and work on it, i can get the oracle bag and altar cloth done in a week. i need to sort out the poncho (i found ALL my hooks and need to kinda start all over on it…) and the afghan to boot.
i know the afghan needs to be reorganized to make sure i’m making it right. after that, we are off on it.
the poncho, maybe 3rd time is the charm. i found all my hooks so i know which one i want to work with and just start all over. this time, keep track of my rows better.
the bag for my tarot deck, i don’t know what color to use. nothing is coming to mind but, i really haven’t work with the deck so maybe next month when i do, a color will come to me.
the tablecloth, i think i know the yarn i want to use and i think i have a pattern for it.
just need to sit and work some yarn out.

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