May 20, 2021

i have sulfur now!

i got my herbs in. i have sulfur now! beside what i’m using for my spell next week, i’m making a list of all the things i want to make for, fun.
i also have started making another cart with me pulling out my other books to see what all i can start making.
it’s odd. as we get closer to summer, i feel a swing of getting witchyer. i thought i was a fall witch?
but really, after a month of feeling like BLAR, cleaning the basement has made be feel better. this place is SO much better.
and, i might have stopped this week, but i am still trying for 20 mins a night. it’s doing so much for me, cleaning and making me feel better and no, i’m not going to stop talking about this.
Friday night will find me in a hotel room with the boyfriend for a sleepover. i am taking my hexing book to plot out some shit.
got to keep busy.
got to get up and finish up some stuff.

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