April 4, 2021

Season of the Witch, Part IV

Season of the Witch, Part IV
Grow my business. This is at a standstill at the moment.
Write 52 blog posts. This post will make me at 67% done.
Read 3 books. Read 4 books. Standstill.
Develop a daily practice/meditation and set up an ancestral altar. Shadow work. So, I have changed my two religious goals to doing some shadow work for the year. If I can get myself together better, maybe my other two goals will fall in line.
Crochet. I’m to the point that I need to have yarn in my hands when I sit to watch TV. I just need to refocus on my projects.
Write. Blar.
Improve my body. As of today, I’ve lost 7.8 lbs. I’m not really trying but I’m not not doing anything at all. I want to start doing more, I just need to find the gumption to do so.

Overall, half and half. I am moving forward with some stuff, and not moving at all with some other stuff.
It’s a mix bag. I’m ok with that.

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