April 19, 2021


well, aim for writing once a week and get it done? i am hitting my goal!
i think i sold my soul again at work. will see if this plays out or ha!
i think it will lend itself to me being able to do a something on Tuesday nights (Tarot Tuesdays?) and me being home on Friday with wine and Disney+ (hello Loki!).
i am 99% done with my hard copy of my Book of Shadows. and i think i’m pausing the shadow-work and hitting the Seventy-Eight Degrees. with the Supernatural deck coming out next week, i am also getting a Rider-Waite-Smith.
really excited to get the RWS deck. i think i’m missing something not having one to study. my two main decks are based on the RWS style but it will be fun to see what is the same and different and all that jazz.
May should be some card fun!

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