April 26, 2021

full moon in spring

like a basic bitch, i order the new edition of Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, by Rachel Pollack and a RWS deck. i’m actually excited to work with the RWS deck, for some strange reason.
this month has been fruitful with the card readings. hoping to keep this going.
i think i need to start writing but nothing sounds good. i have some ideas but, eh.
and i got an idea for a spell. i don’t know what all i want to do with this spell but i want to do something.
i know Matthew will be here this weekend but, there’s nowhere to go and nothing to do so maybe something will get done.
i also know that two years ago this night i was in a gay bar in Springfield getting drunk.
it’s still a full moon. time to do some magick of my own.

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