April 27, 2021

send me something

i don’t know where to go with this.
work is not good right now. i also have many reminders of 2 years ago with Endgame weekend.
and i really haven’t taken my vitamins in a long time…
i feel like i need to scream and let out so much rage and feels and at the same time, i have nothing inside of me.
i’m a hot mess and i don’t know what i need to do/take/be to get out of this Lake of Sucking and be back and human/ish.
maybe it’s the full moon fucking with me. maybe it’s too close to Beltane to think clearly.
maybe i need to burn it all down.

April 26, 2021

full moon in spring

like a basic bitch, i order the new edition of Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, by Rachel Pollack and a RWS deck. i’m actually excited to work with the RWS deck, for some strange reason.
this month has been fruitful with the card readings. hoping to keep this going.
i think i need to start writing but nothing sounds good. i have some ideas but, eh.
and i got an idea for a spell. i don’t know what all i want to do with this spell but i want to do something.
i know Matthew will be here this weekend but, there’s nowhere to go and nothing to do so maybe something will get done.
i also know that two years ago this night i was in a gay bar in Springfield getting drunk.
it’s still a full moon. time to do some magick of my own.

April 19, 2021


well, aim for writing once a week and get it done? i am hitting my goal!
i think i sold my soul again at work. will see if this plays out or ha!
i think it will lend itself to me being able to do a something on Tuesday nights (Tarot Tuesdays?) and me being home on Friday with wine and Disney+ (hello Loki!).
i am 99% done with my hard copy of my Book of Shadows. and i think i’m pausing the shadow-work and hitting the Seventy-Eight Degrees. with the Supernatural deck coming out next week, i am also getting a Rider-Waite-Smith.
really excited to get the RWS deck. i think i’m missing something not having one to study. my two main decks are based on the RWS style but it will be fun to see what is the same and different and all that jazz.
May should be some card fun!

April 13, 2021

witchcraft and cartomancy update

well, the itch for writing left. we’ll see if that happens again.
i have been trying to get my Book of Shadows up to snuff. is it the wonder book that i thought it would be? eh.
i do think that once the Book of Shadows is done, i’m making a Book of Cartomancy. i never thought i would move beyond tarot cards and into oracle cards.
watch me grow.
if i can get done with this project, i want to start reading/restarting reading Rachel Pollack’s Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom. i want to read it, understand the cards better, and then start writing about the cards.
i have learned about myself that my card readings are brief and to the point. i don’t wax on about stuff, i find the meat and go for it. my daily readings (this month is 3 cards and the readings are a short sentence).
so, with learning that i am short with non-fiction writings, me writing a book is a laugh. it would be a booklet at best.
but, there is Lulu.com.

April 8, 2021

words are forming right on the brink of the nothingness and the world

i got that inch in my hand. i want to write. words are forming right on the brink of the nothingness and the world.
and then i think that i should and something tells me not.
and i don’t mean journaling. them words are words. i mean creative writing. something new and fresh.
the cards this week said not to get bog down my old traps. in fact, the cards have been really boom of late.
it’s the combo of the Halloween Tarot, the Halloween Oracle, and FlowerSpeak. get your own reading here!
Matthew will be here Sunday and i don’t know how much me time i will have to work on myself.
i need to work on myself more.

April 4, 2021

Season of the Witch, Part IV

Season of the Witch, Part IV
Grow my business. This is at a standstill at the moment.
Write 52 blog posts. This post will make me at 67% done.
Read 3 books. Read 4 books. Standstill.
Develop a daily practice/meditation and set up an ancestral altar. Shadow work. So, I have changed my two religious goals to doing some shadow work for the year. If I can get myself together better, maybe my other two goals will fall in line.
Crochet. I’m to the point that I need to have yarn in my hands when I sit to watch TV. I just need to refocus on my projects.
Write. Blar.
Improve my body. As of today, I’ve lost 7.8 lbs. I’m not really trying but I’m not not doing anything at all. I want to start doing more, I just need to find the gumption to do so.

Overall, half and half. I am moving forward with some stuff, and not moving at all with some other stuff.
It’s a mix bag. I’m ok with that.