May 24, 2020

here we go!

so i joined Tic Tok and it has taken over my life.
Matthew was here last weekend, that explains the blar last weekend. this weekend, i don’t know. i need to go to bed earlier and sleep more and i’m not.
the cards have been telling me something, something is trying to get my attention. i don’t know who it is and, kinda scared to go there…
i’ve open Word, with all the powers to write and things just don’t happen. and to think, i am somehow ahead of my goal for the year for blog posts.
hell, i even started writing this yesterday and just now get to writing the rest of it and posting it (hopefully sometime today).
ok, so today, i want to get things done today. at lest if i am going to sit on my ass, i can work on my Book of Shadows and get that to the next lvl.
here we go!

May 9, 2020

on the shelf

i did it.  took me almost two years but i got my books on my bookshelves. 
and, i got two milk crates of books to donate to the library, whenever they open up.
oh yes, there are pagan books leaving my house.  i’m shocked. 
i don’t know if i’m gonna get to the movies tomorrow or not.  i know with ones i don’t want anymore i can give to the library also, so i’m up that.
along with all that, this week has me really thinking of doing up a website for my card readings.  it would be a blog-based site, with me posting my card readings, and being a general contact spot for me. 
and not some free spot, i want my name dot com, to broadcast to the whole internets!
i’m also joined Tic Tok (i’m amerwitch) and have an idea for a video.
if i can only get over my stage fright. 
i think i’m working on the ole Book of Shadows tonight.  i’m trying to revamp my section on herbs.  and then i need to revamp the section on food and then revamp that everything section. 
yeah for getting stuff done!

May 4, 2020

last leg

i spent most of this weekend cleaning. it was great.
i got all the big things done, for the most part. i am on the last leg of it. i did the closet, now i am going through ALL my books, DVDs, and CDs to see what stays and what needs to move on.
and then putting on my wonderful books on my bookshelves and start feeling like i have a real office/crafting area here.

May 3, 2020

holy fuck

so, getting the Basement clean moved a lot along today. now it’s the big clusterfuck that is THE CLOSET. it needs to be redone right now and it will be the biggest mess to get done.
i want to remark all the boxes in it and hide some of the newer boxes that has to go into it.
gods, if i can get that all done… that will make the Basement clean then.
holy fuck.

not all seeds make it to adulthood

We all set goals for ourselves, needs and wants that we are trying to meet. We do it at the Sabbats, we do it at the New Moons, we do it at our birthdays. Maybe it's our culture, maybe it's how we're wired. We. do. it.

But it doesn't always work out.

The same is true of the rest of nature. How many babies in a litter of bunnies, just so one might make it to the age where IT reproduces? How many seeds does one plant put out, hoping that at least one of its offspring plants reproduces in turn?

Not all seeds make it to adulthood. Just like not all of our goals do. Fern's Fronds, “Most seeds don't make it to harvest.”

i read that last Tuesday and i’ve been thinking about it.
i made theses goals for 2020. i was doing good and then the plague started and things have not been that great for me.
at this point, i should be in Springfield with Matthew and Colt and living in a post Black Widow world right now. but i’m not. i’m here, in the Basement, alone.
so, how hard am i redoing my goals for 2020? i don’t know. i need to sit back and think what i can get down and do that first.
a lot of it is getting the Basement more witch friendly. once that is done, i want to do all the things.
today, keep working on the Basement. it’s getting better. very slowly but it’s getting better.

mind/body/soul, part V


Reading: 37%
Writing: 3%
Blogging: 61%

Overall: 34% 


Weight Loss: 13%
Steps: 97%
Working Out: 0%
Lose It: 25%

Overall: 34% 


Witchcraft: 75%
Tarot: 85%
Crafting: 11%

Overall: 57%

April’s worth: 42%

And I will write more about all this today. I just needed this post out of the way.