October 18, 2021

words on paper

days where i can’t write and days where i need to write every day.
and it’s just the need to sit and put words on paper. there is no need to tell a story or to make a memory permanent. it’s just the act of words on paper.
and it was about pen to paper and now it’s more about typing away on my laptop.
i’ve started writing my daily tarot readings and my handwriting and spelling, epp. i don’t think my head can keep up with my brain and i write words mushed together in ways that is not right for humans.
i can’t type, i can’t spell, handwriting is bad, my nails need to be cut to keep using the laptop and my phone, but yet the need for words on paper overrides all that.
need to hurt and rip flesh and want to hug and love him.
i need to go to bed.

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