July 30, 2022

weekly update

i finished the month at 119%, 69% for the year, giving me a A grade.
fucking hell.
i can get all August, September, and October’s goals done next month, if i try very hard.
and i want to.
i want everything clean and done so i can have Oktober to myself.
txting Colt the other day and thinking about it, i realized something.
i have been having a hard time relaxing of late. like, the idea of sitting on the couch with a glass of wine and watching TV was too much work. i’ve also had a problem of actually sitting down and meditating.
so, what if both of theses are the same problems? add to the fact of the idea of “if you meditate you can find a deity and solve that problem” and yeah, it’s all connected.
so, a little magick on Wednesday night to bring about a fix.
and it hit on Friday night. glass of wine, a movie, i felt it. it was great.
and now for today. ToDoList is wiped clean and we start back all over again.
here’s to hoping August is bringing me more blessings.

July 27, 2022


like a smack in the face, i look at my side table to my Book of Cartomancy that i need to set up to see the card readings i need to do for myself.
it is a new moon and all.
i canceled my Netflix and changed my Hulu to no ads. i also went over my Patron and stopped supporting some people.
i want things done by Oktober. i know i can if i work at it and this week, has not been great. with a new moon and minor health bumps, i’m hoping that next week gets me back into a better groove.
i am looking into putting into words what the fuck am i doing with my witchcraft. it’s answering journal prompts but it is making me think on who i am and what am i doing.
i need to do a card reading tonight.

July 24, 2022

sensory deprivation tank

get out of my head. i say that but do i put that into practice?
blogging has fallen to the way side. i have been hammering thought my 2022 goals and i am almost done with August goals. i did got some cleaning done yesterday, to boot.
and a thought crossed my mind: wouldn’t be nice to have everything done in time for October and just be a witch? i have dishes to do and the bathroom will need to be dealt with but have all the boxes and shit put away and organized and then have all of October to myself?
and now i feel gun ho to get shit done.
i do feel the need to pull cards on this mental block i am having. i want to mediate, i want to get thought my book, but just the idea, no. just, pull cards and see what is going on.
and i have a feel in me that i need a deity in my life. i think too much like an asexual, wanting for someone to claim me. maybe i just need to find some to work with but who?
i need to go to bed.

July 23, 2022

weekly update

i am at 112 for the month, 66 for the year, giving me a B+ grade.
i couldn’t get anything done in June and i am almost done with August’s goals.
i just have to get into the groove of meditating. i can’t seem to get into it, at all.
i want to. i feel that whatever is blocking me is just that, a block.
need to do a card reading on what the fuck in wrong with me.
moving forward, dealing with ungodly heat, Halloween is only a 100 days away.
gods help us all.

July 16, 2022

weekly update

well, 10 days later is better than never.
i just got done with my Book of Cartomancy. i need to make it pretty but, i have a hard copy of it.
that makes my 85% done for the month, 51% done for the year, giving me a D+ grade.
i finished Peaky Blinders. my gods, what a way to end that show. i was crying.
i need to reorganized my monthly goal list and get back into that habit of doing things.
i think i know how to do the tarot part of my BOC so its not always being reprinted. it’s just doing to take a lot of writing to get it done.

July 2, 2022

weekly update

after PRIDE comes wraith, right?
this county is on fire and i am throwing in the towel for now.
i deleted TicTok. it was getting too much for me, fun skit, people losing their rights, ad. i couldn’t take it anymore.
i was doom scrolling as the children call it.
and it was eating at my soul.
and i didn’t get shit down for June.
today was a challenge. i put on a random YouTube music video playlist on my TV and got back to 20/10, a la Unfuck Your Habitat and got shit done. i made a good dent and it’s cleaner.
and you want some witch tips? clean your fucking living space. get a bucket and a mop and CLEAN! you will be amazed how much you feel better after you vacuum.
and for today this week’s update! i am 76% done for the month (and i will get above 100% this month), 44% for the year, giving me a D- grade! my new routine for this month is a day of reading, working out, meditating, and rest. i did ok with that just 3 last month but i am adding reading into it this month.
let’s get this shit show going.