May 17, 2023

blar of an update

i order Colt’s birthday gift. i hope he likes it, as i don’t know if he reads this or not.
hi Colt.
i also order new water bottles and Seasons of the Witch - Mabon Oracle. we will see how that goes. it comes out on June 12th but i’m not getting it till July 3rd? why?
this past week has been blar and come to a head last night. the plan was pot and watching the Muppets, to celebrate the life of Jim Henson.
and i couldn’t. the idea of popping a gummy and getting high seemed too much to do.
Colt, if you are still reading, you are the one and only i do bare my soul to and tells things to. you are my confidant.
i lost my train of thought with all of this…

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