February 20, 2025

Blessed me Mother Feral for I am alive

“Blessed me Mother Feral for I am alive.”
“That’s always a good sign.”
“Yeah. I want to talk about my Valentines Weekend.”
“Ooo, I can hear the caps in your words. How was it? Big date.”
“I went alone.”
“How asexual of you.”
“Beside the weather and the fact I couldn’t get my oil change because the shop was out of oil, it was a great time.”
“Tell me about it.”
“The weather was crap but I was only going to Jeff because I really didn’t need to go to The City. I have enough gummies to get me to May.
“The shop was out of oil so I drove to the store to sit and use their Wi-Fi. I could get in the parking lot so, I stayed in the car.”
“Kind of creepy, go on.”
“I get to the movie theater and spent half the money on a soda then on the ticket. Fucking hell this, ANYWAY! I got a Mt Dew because they had no Dr. Pepper and man, that was a trick.
“How was the movie?”
Captain America: Brave New World was nice. It felt like old Marvel but with new focus. The white man was the bad guy, the heroes were all POCs. It wasn’t the greatest thing ever but it was good.”
“End scene?”
“Open ended as fuck. Springfield will tell with Thunderbolts*.”
“Springfield is in-”
“Two months, 1 week, 5 days, 3 hours, give or take.”
“O… K… What happen after the movie?”
“I fought with Google maps because it wanted to take me to the Chili’s in Springfield and not the one over the hill. I won.
“I got to Chili’s and got a table and order my steak and shrimp fajitas. Once I got my food, I popped an earbud in and listen to Midnight Burger while I ate. I used my gift card and only had to pay $10 for the whole meal.”
“Tipped 30%?”
“In fucking cash. I was an easy $8 for them.
“While I was there, my phone told me that is was suppose to snow so I hurried my ass to the liquor store and decided to skip the library.”
“Making good choices I see.”
“I spend a 100 at the store.”
“What the hell did you get?”
“Rumple Minze, a big bottle of Everclear, and I found a bottle of pomegranate liqueur.”
“Is that all you going to say about it?”
“And then I came home.”
“That’s all?”
“I thought of him once while I was sitting at Chili’s.”
“But you were sitting in a 3-person row and had room for Nicole and Colt.”
“Yeah. I hope to seduce Colt to come up here to see The Fantastic Four: First Steps.”
“But you did this all on your own.”
“Yes. If the weather was better, I think I would have had a better time. But, if i need to see Fantastic Four by myself, I know I can do it.”
“Fuck right.”
“Fuck. Right.”

weekly update

i am 112% done for the month, 20% done for the year, giving me a D. whoot.
i am trying to do things in an organized order. i think in years past, i was spreading myself thin, trying to do it all, at once, get burned out, and then quit it all together.
and i really need to get my ass in gear with some goals. i need to work on Feral Witchcraft before i can start reading some of my books. i want to get done studying my new decks before i start making my own.
i have been using my snow days to get cleaning done. once that is done (kitchen and witchcraft cabinet really needs it) upkeep will be easy. and then more time for me.
there are still things i need to do, i just don’t know what to do.
first, get some The Work done and then, cleaning.

February 12, 2025

weekly update

i am 99% done for the month, 18% done for the year, giving me a F+. whoot!
i am very much looking forward to my big VD celebration this weekend. i hope to do all i have plan.
i have ideas and there seems to be a block in them. i know my card of the month is the Hanged Man but i am trying hard to make inches forward.
maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s work, maybe it’s Colt, but the blars is getting bad. there is good veins of good here but, the rest can drag a bitch down.

February 8, 2025

weekly update

i am 92% done for the month, 17% done for the year, giving me a F.
i have started working out. it ain’t much but it is something.
i have gotten back with working on the witchcraft. i want that done before i start reading other books.
i got the last of the Seasons of the Witch decks. i’m excited to get them studied and start the next level of my cartomancy and witchcraft.
i have my gift card for Chili’s and ready to go see Captain America. i am going by myself. i know i will be ok with that.
there’s things i want to write about but, i don’t know if i’m ready for that or if it needs to see the light of day.
it’s funny there’s things i don’t think i can’t say to Colt and Nicole but i can write them and push it out onto the internet.

February 3, 2025


i tried to get the groundhog out to jump start spring and it didn’t work.
i did see the first crocus today! the snow is done and there is the start of spring! whoot!
work, work was getting to me on a spiritual level. things didn’t go bad or wrong, it was just, blargh.
i miss writing. i want to but i want to get other shit done first.
and that what is i am doing this year. i am focusing on one project at a time to get there. i am moving inches forward and it is getting me places.
there are things that i have been thinking about that i don’t want to put down on paper yet.
the idea of a paper journal, that may never see the light of day, is becoming and idea that i might have to do.

January 29, 2025

weekly update

i’m 144% done for the month, 13% for the year, giving me a C+.
i think my goals are set for the year. things keep popping up and i need to change things.
the lair is almost base clean. i just need to hit the kitchen.
the more i get into the various Seasons of the Witch decks, the more i keep getting excited about how this is gonna change how i want to practice.
i know the next month brings a new program, for lack of word. going with the mind/body/soul theory of working on each one, one day at a time, making forward progress and moving inches.
time to get up and do some shit.

January 22, 2025

weekly update

i am 127% done for the month, 12% done for the year, giving me a D+.
i am still going forward. there is cleaning i want to do today. i am so close to getting stuff done so i can go to the next level.

January 18, 2025

weekly update

i am 115% done for the month, 10% done for the year, giving me a D-.
i rock.
and i’m not done doing everything for the month.
i am trying do hard to get everything cleaned right now. February i want to start working, having each day be dedicated to mind, body, or soul.
moving forward, getting shit done, doing The Work, becoming a better person.
it’s coming up to a year on my breakup. and it really do take a year to work shit out.
it’s time to get back to it.

January 11, 2025

getting shit done

i cleaned my bedroom and put all my clothes away.
that was a hell of a win for me today.
next Saturday i want to get the living room under control. and maybe get the altars cleaned on Wednesday.
my goal to get everything cleaned by VD day is becoming more and more of a real thing. i thought it wasn’t going to be possible but fuck, it’s becoming real!
fuck yeah!
mostly due to part of me being off work for 3 days because of snow. i shouldn’t have been excited, on my snow day, to spend it cleaning my bathroom, knowing that the next day i will get more cleaning done.
i seem to lose my shit/gods damn mind in October, after my birthday, that takes me 3 months to come to. i don’t want to do that this year. i want to leave this place spotless and come home to it clean.
and that starts now. i am very gun-ho to get this place under control. then i can move onto the more magical things that need to be done.

January 8, 2025

weekly update

i am 83% done for the month, 8% done for the year, giving me a F.
go me.
go me indeed. i got my head on straight about this shit.
i am cleaning. i can not focus on any of my studies while living in less-than-ideal lair.
plus, i want this place shinier in case anyone wants to visit me.
my 5 days of fun are over. tomorrow i go back to work. i have no clue how that place will look like but, eh. i’ll start fires if needed.
Saturday i have hopes of getting my bathroom clean. 20 mins on, 10 mins off, all while listening to Unend is how i’m going to do it. i got my vanity and most of the area around it cleaned off. bathroom seems the next stuff.
i want everything cleaned by the end of the month. i think i can swing it. then i can start working on the next level.

January 7, 2025

court day!

court was today.
court? why did i have to go to court today? to show up as an heir to my father.
to settle some estates.
Grandma died in 2012. nothing was done with The Farm.
Larry (my uncle) died in 2017. nothing was done with The Farm.
my family commandeered Grandma’s house. no one was living in it, since my uncle died, and our trailer was going to shit.
then my father died.
so, who owns what now?
well, to the best i know, Grandma’s name was still on everything and with half of her children dead, why changed anything? my aunt, Elaine, didn’t want to change anything “too much” in case any one of my dead relatives would come back.
from the dead.
so, some how my brother sorted out that we could sue, someone (?), to settle father’s estate and thusly, settle ALL THE FUCKING SHIT THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THE PAST 13 YEARS!
by the end of the year, the house could have my name on it.
and that reminds me of a story.
once upon a time, young Amer read every fucking book on the Salem Witch trails in the library. just started top left and read down the shelf.
what she remembers is most of the women accused were older, had property, and no men folk in charge of them. see, if you got arrested, the cops got all your stuff.
me getting my name on this house would put me on a witch goal i never knew i wanted.
i saw signs yesterday. i keep wanting to make an ancestor altar but something keeps me from it.
and now i think i know why.

January 1, 2025


yesterday i was working myself into a worrying fit over this year. and then it hit me. i don’t need to worry because the cards will tell me what’s what.
and i threw them last night and i need to go over it all.
the theme of this year is Sacred Opossum. finishing up Dune: Prophecy, i really want to live that life of a nun/witch who is a studious bitch. i want books and notebooks and be learning.
and that will take time and effort. time i have, effort i am working on.
i also want my lair to be clean. i have let things fall off the trail and i want to get back onto it.
and i am going to get up and start getting shit done.