ordained minister, hardcore crocheter, proud nerdgirl, sister-in-law, aunt, and professional tarot card reader.
April 30, 2023
Happy Southern Hemisphere Halloween!
April 28, 2023
weekly update
April 27, 2023
words to paper, that what this is
April 21, 2023
weekly update
April 20, 2023
This Spiritual Awaking has been a trip
Card of the Months was Judgment, spiritual awaking. I thought it was going to be fun and games.
I thought.
It hit me last night. Dad died in ’18, took ’19 off and on January 1st, 2020, this is it! This is the year we move forward!
It was not.
I’m days away of going back to The Field, seeing Nicole and Colt, doing a Marvel movie weekend. I know I did one last year but this one feels so much different.
Everything seems like it was, before the plague started. This all feels, normal.
I am going to come back different, and I am praying that it will be for the better.
April 17, 2023
A Change
Something is clicking in a different direction.
I’m culling. The past month I looked over who I support on Patreon and made changes. People I have followed for years on social media, I stopped following them.
I am making good progress on my year goals. I am carving out time to start meditating and go back to working out (after Springfield).
I know I still have room for improvement with the new setup. I know it’s not fool proof and will go off without a few hits but fuck, let me stumble on the road of improvement.