April 29, 2022

weekly update

for the month, i end with 108% done, 36% done for the year, giving me a grade of C-!
i am happy with this progress.
i have my plans for May. i know some of it will be on hold till after Springfield.
i need to start working out more. i need to get the ab lounger over here and i want to try to do the 10 min walking vid every other day. i know that seems so nothing, but it is a start.
i am worried about Springfield. things i would like to say but i don’t know if the asshole reads this or not so, keep that close.
tomorrow i start packing.
so much i need to do so much tomorrow and that starts tonight.

April 26, 2022


i went crazy and went back to the trailer and found 13/14 boxes of stuff.
3 were just yarn.
i have too much stuff.
i have added redoing my closet on my ToDoList. i know there are stuff i need to look at and think if i need it or not.
i need to work out more.
i want to get that ab lounger out and see if having that here will help me.
theses 5 days off have been wonderful. and now that’s Matthew’s back home, i feel peace here.
i know there is more of life i want but i suffer from executive dysfunction too much to do anything.
even now, i want to hit 8,000 words by writing this and have stopped within so close to it.
fuck it. time to get some shit done.

April 22, 2022

weekly update

105% done for the month, 35% for the year, giving me a C- grade! i’m passing!
i have been working on my #ToDoList mostly this week. that, and watching Yellowstone and crocheting. trying to read at work.
i did take the books i have not read off my bookshelf and look, i have room!
i need to read more. i have been. slowly and surely.
not that much of a move up but it’s still moving up.
always trying to move up.

April 20, 2022

cold and rain

i need to do more card readings. i don’t know why i am stopping myself from doing them.
i did get some cleaning down today. Matthew will be here Friday night and i don’t want the place all crap before he gets here.
i have been plotting out a new idea for a story. this one made be get my Pathfinder game book out. i have a lot of parts and i just need to get them in a line.
i did plot out how i am going to get to get all my 2022 goals down. its 3 a month for the rest of the year. i hope to get them done sooner than that.
i do hope with Matthew here, we can get summer sorted out and the Strange Weekend planned out. i am nervous about things of it and there is the real-life parts happening.
haven’t done Springfield since Endgame.
i feel the need to be witchy but this weather is all cold and rain. maybe this weekend…
i need to shower and crochet.

April 16, 2022

weekly update

103% for the month, 34% for the year, giving me a D+ grade! whoot!
today i am going to try to focus on small things that need to be done.

April 10, 2022

shower thought: God is not real

i had the most profound thought ever while taking my shower.
my head has been filled with many things of late: mostly how the Major Arcana, Hero’s Journey, Stations of the Cross, and the Mysteries of the Rosary are all related and how you can smear D&D on top of that, and make it queer, that’s the story i want to write.
so, while playing out some ideas in the shower the thought of “God isn’t real.” popped into my head and i agreed with it.
i’m a witch. i don’t work with any deities. i believe in all of them. i believe in all the myths they hold.
i believe that Jesus was the son of the Christen god and i believe Mary was his mother and she was filled with the Holy Spirit and he was born and yada yada yada.
but the Christen God? no. he’s not real.
or at least, he’s not here anymore.
watching Supernatural may have fucked with my view on Christianity.
i don’t know how this all works but this is a thought that i need to think more on and how to sort it out in my world views.

April 9, 2022

weekly update

90% for the month, 30% for the year, giving me a D-grade!
the big thing was getting done with the study on True Heart Intuitive Tarot and making crocheting the bag for it. all i have to do is interview it (i get to break it in in May)!
and that is the 3 main goals for this month.
plotting what goals i want to work on has given me a better aim. this month was getting the studying, crocheting the bag, and interviewing of True Heart Intuitive Tarot. i have plotted out what i need to get done for next month and we’ll wait to see what June brings us.
also, giving myself a ToDoList has given me real direction on what i need/want to get done.
and we are off to get more then

April 6, 2022

spring cleaning

am i done with the cleaning? the big ugly cleaning, yes. yes, i am done with that.
i just need to tidy up a bit on Saturday and then, done?
because one is never done with cleaning. it is a never-ending cycle of war.
i got my monthly To Do List half way done today.
and i forget that we are barley a week into April…
i am doing good.
the way my 2022 goals are lined out, erp.
one goal is to read 6 books and another goal is to study the True Heart tarot. studying the True Heart tarot, interviewing the deck, and crocheting a bag is part of my monthly goals, and the money goals are part of the year goals, and studying the book is reading a book for 6 books to read, and see how it’s all connected?
is it cheating? no. it’s being smarter.
now i must go and do at lest 3 more things on my To Do List before i go to bed. how about watching the last 3 episodes of Our Flag Means Death? and i can crochet while watching, so that works on another goal!

April 1, 2022

weekly update

70% done for the month (and it’s only day 1), 23% for the year, giving me a F grade, eh.
Grandma has been gone 25 years today. Ray kissed me 20 years ago this week. and Colt left for Springfield 8 years ago.
this week holds so much.
i have plans and plots for this month. if i get 3 goals done, i’ll be set for the month. i know what 3 i want to do.
i’m also turning into that bitch with a notebook for everything. it’s only way i can keep track of all the things.
tomorrow will be spent cleaning! that will get some things off the list and done! clean all the things, then we can move onto the fun things.