i’m just happy to be home tonight.
i’m 117% done for the month and 20% done for the year! didn’t really get much done this week but i’m happy with some forward progress.
i’m sitting here, waiting for lunch to get done and then moving on to packing.
spending a few days at Judy’s while the weather is crap.
the cards said this week was suppose to be good but the daily cards have been “doom and gloom”.
my plans for Friday night, hopefully that i am home, do a full Celtic Cross.
*looks over all her card spreads* yeah, Celtic Cross will be the way to go.. i don’t have a name for my problem and just gonna cast a wide net.
who’s waiting for a portal to open up? with all the 2’s on a Tuesday and what not…
i am in such a head space right now. such a funk that has swallowed all over me that maybe i am in a bell jar.
or my period is being a fuck this week.
i did get an idea for some writing on tarot that i am excited for. i don’t know when i am going to get started on that because-
the weather and Mom are making me stay at Judy’s for the net few days. i think that is part of the fuck that i am in.
i need a shower and booze.
i am 19% done with my year goals, making it 114% for the month! go me!
my weight is going up and that i am not happy about.
i’ve been off this whole week due to Matthew and weather and my period is starting up next week. i did just finish a mini workout and might do more, just to get my steps up.
i started working on my afghan. i started study the True Heart Intuitive Tarot. i have a plan on my Pride flag, i want that done BEFORE Pride.
i have 4 goals DONE with 8 goals in progress.
and my progress ones are the ones i am proud of. i am working on many goals, all at the same time.
i am making forward progress, inches and inches, becoming better, hitting marks, i will be successful this year!
yeah, i don’t know.
Matthew was here and, he needs work. i don’t want to be a nag about shit but, turn off lights you are not using, use the right dishes, when i say look behind the door, i mean that, and for fuck’s sakes, keep your shit off my kitchen table!
and when you pop the cap off your beer and it lands on the floor and i ask you to pick it up, pick it fucking up and don’t say later.
i am not going to be that bitch who does all the cooking and cleaning in the household. i do not want a marriage like my parents. my mother did it all, my father only brought home a paycheck, that’s it. cooking, cleaning, child rearing, that was all her. she paid the bills, did the shopping, she fucking grilled! and cut the grass!
i. do. not. want. that. at. all.
i need a drink. this is not how i thought this post was gonna go.
17% done! and that’s 101.7% done for the month!
yes, i was able to get 17% of my 2022 goals done this week. i am over for my goal for this month so, anything more i do for February, it’s bonus! yeah!
as much as i want to try to read my tarot book i’m working on, i have had this pull to start in on the True Heart Intuitive Tarot Deck. i got the deck because i heard that the book is an eye opener when it come to the cards.
i really need to finished The Starman Tarot because that book is a trip and half…
and i did get some year for a project that is on my goals of this year. i need to sit and plot and buy yellow yarn also.
tonight, i drink!
so, i have tried to decide on something and last night showed me what i should be doing.
instead of wasting my time on playing a game for an hour that really don’t being me much happiness now, i’m going to try to write for that time. there’s a story that’s being loud and writing itself in my head that i need to get on paper.
and i really need to get my afghan up and going. i need to sit down and start crocheting at night instead of eating at night. over the 4 days i was snowed in, i gain all the weight i had lost. i know i am worth more than numbers on a scale but i am waning smaller numbers. move more, eat less, become a better version of myself.
let’s get this day going and see where it will take me.
no, i didn’t get to posting again last night. i did get a lot of stuff done.
and that’s the sad part. it takes 4 days off in a row to feel rested and relaxed and willing to work on “things around the house”.
on the flipped side, i have been ignoring my cards. i keep advertising for readings and not post anything for the past 3 days. i’m fucked up.
and imposter syndrome flared up today.
i need a come to Jesus moment and it’s coming soon.
i need to get some more stuff done before dark.
i’ve been snowed in for the last 3 days. i’ve called in for Thursday and today and i’m off tomorrow so i will have had a 4-day weekend.
it’s been great!
i have made some progress on cleaning. i think once i post this, more cleaning will happen.
as for my 2022 goals, i’m up to 9% done. i am slowly working on them. i need to remember that this is a year long project and i’m’ only on month 2 of this.
by the end of the month i need to be at 7% so being at 9%, i am ahead of the game. good. need to read more and write more and start working out more to get, like the kids say, gains.
i’m going to gear up my new found podcast, Old Gods of Appalachia and try to get some more cleaning done.
hopefully to post again tonight.