July 25, 2024

weekly update

i am 94% done for the month, 59% done for the year, giving me a C grade.
there is so much i want to write but i don’t.
i’m on all theses social platforms and i don’t say anything because i’m scared that i’m just a fucking idiot.
i have ideas for, essays, for a lack of a better word, about stuff.
and i should just write the shit and post it and see what happens. i know no one will read it, no one ever repost my stuff so, there’s that.
i need to finish up packing for tomorrow. i have the car, i hot the hotel, i am fine and ready to rock and roll tomorrow.

July 14, 2024

I went to the Fair

I went to the fair Friday.
I went to the fair Friday because Esther and Hubert were showing sheep. We got there an hour early, stood around doing nothing, then sat down.
I was out there for 3 hours. It was spent playing with Mae, eating snacks, watching rams/sheep/goats and overall, a pleasant day.
It was good as a day at the fucking Fair I could imagine.
And you want to know what made the day a bit better?
No fucking Matthew.
It was his birthday yesterday so, he would have been here, and just being more annoying to take care of then Mae.
He wouldn’t understand the whole point of the 3 hours was just to be there for the kids and have fun hanging out with the other family.

July 12, 2024

weekly update

i am 89% done for the month, 56% done for the year, giving me a C-
i need to do some cleaning tomorrow. if i do the cleaning, i think i can start the packing for Springfield.
i am making progress on Feral Witchcraft. slowly but surely, making my way down that long dirt road.

July 6, 2024

weekly update

i am 84% done for the month, 54% for the year, giving me a D+.
adding more goals, because then i will have to do them.
i have 4 days off next week, with some thin hope of getting some shit done.
plans for the Trip are shaping up. i got a budget, lost my notebook i had everything written down, started a new notebook, found my old notebook, and here i am.
i need to pack. maybe it’s too early but i can get some stuff stashed up.
i just want a weekend…

July 4, 2024


i’m here.
the basement keeps flooding and today my car died.
i am having a week.
i am ready for my 4-day weekend, next week.
i need to do so much prepping for my Springfield trip. i have a list, i need to make a fucking budget for it.
there’s just the things i need to sit and work on.